I've been trying to build an FM broadcast receiver for the last few weeks know, with simple designs like with LC circuits, but I've realized that an IC based radio outperforms simple transistor radios. I've started looking a round for cheap FM receiver chips, and I've found one that is used in many soldering kits, called the RDA5807FP. I found a schematic online for the soldering kit, as pictured below.
I also looked at the datasheet, and it seems like it wouldn't work in the above configuration. By default, the chip is muted, and it seems like there is no way to change that, besides with I2C. I2C is volatile (I believe), so if they programmed it once with I2C and turned it off, everything would reset, and the chip would be muted again, leaving us with the same problem as before. The only way the datasheet says that it can interface is this: "Only support 2-wire bus interface", so (I believe) it is referring to the earlier-mentioned I2C. Even the example circuit in the datasheet is configured to work with I2C:
So, my question is, how does this simple FM receiver work without a microcontroller? Is there something in the datasheet that I'm missing?
I'm also open to suggestions about different chips, along as it's simple, cheap, and still produced.
Thanks for all your help, and I apologize for my beginners ignorance.