Here I have a circuit for a full-wave bridge rectifier with capacitor filtering.
And here is another circuit with two filter capacitors. What effect does the second filter capacitor provide?
Here I have a circuit for a full-wave bridge rectifier with capacitor filtering.
And here is another circuit with two filter capacitors. What effect does the second filter capacitor provide?
And here is another circuit with two filter capacitors. What effect does the second filter capacitor provide?
The two filter capacitors do not interact.
It is not just another filter capacitor. The second circuit has two separate power supply outputs, one positive with respect to GND and one negative. Note that the anode (+ end) of C4 is connected to GND. This is a clear indication that the circuit output is negative with respect to GND.
In the second circuit, D2 and D5 do not do anything. If you delete them and redraw the circuit, how it operates might be more clear.
The first circuit is that of a power supply with a full-wave bridge rectifier.
The second circuit is redrawn for easier understanding.
Diodes D2 & D5 serve no purpose and hence may be removed.
It's the circuit of a voltage doubler type of power supply.
If you are asking about the small voltage difference from the first circuit to the second, note that in the top full bridge configuration the supply path coming from the transformer passes through two diodes, resulting in two diode voltage drops, while in the second circuit the path contains only one diode voltage drop.
The second circuit being configured as a half wave rectified supply will actually produce more ripple voltage than the first. A larger filter capacitor will better average out that ripple, hence the negative supply using the larger value capacitor shows a slightly higher average DC voltage.