I am watching a course on Udemy about hardware design. The lecturer has provided a tutorial on how to calculate the current consumption.
I got quite confused when he started to talk about the input current of the voltage regulator.
The relation used in the video for the input current of the voltage regulator reads \$I_\mathrm{IN} = \frac{V_\mathrm{OUT}\cdot I_\mathrm{OUT}}{V_\mathrm{IN}}\$
There is some equality between input power and output power, but why should it be like this? Looking back at the theory on voltage regulators and going through some answers at this site, it makes sense that the input current should be quite similar to the output current (plus the small current drawn by diodes.)
Furthermore, the LDOs are known to not be as efficient as switched regulators. Since a lot of power is dissipated in heat, it is quite weird that input power and output power would be the same.