Question: Is this safe, or is there a better way to do it? Is there a ready made solution that can also handle shorts to protect Arduino?
The problem: It's primary is square wave AC. And it can go from 0 amps to a short circuit conditions (5 A max typical - 50 mA on secondary CT coil, auto shutoff in ≤ 0.1 s). A short condition would cause a large voltage spike on the analog input using a CT coil.
I thought a 5.1 V Zener could protect the Arduino input from OVER voltage and negative voltage. But I told this was problematic from other post.
Background: I'm trying to measure ultra low currents using a 1000:1 ratio CT coil with an internal resistance of ~56 ohm. (Example 1 mA on the primary would be ideal but 10 mA would be acceptable.) If necessary, I can increase the sensitivity with more wraps on primary, or using another burden resistor in series.
My idea was to use 1.1 V internal voltage ref. That gives me about .001 V / step. But as this is AC, I need an offset voltage of 550 mV (0.55 V).
I don't care about larger currents, just that there is a smaller current indicating load on the primary.
Adding diodes, or load across the primary isn't an option as it will either alter voltage output, or generate a ton of wasted energy @ 5 amps (low ohm shunt).
Here's a diagram of the circuit in question: