Here's an approach using jellybean parts- one or two quad op-amps and some resistors plus a filter capacitor. An LM3914 would simplify things (they're officially 'in the process of being discontinued' by TI who acquired the original maker National Semiconductor and the recommended alternatives require an MCU, but for hobby purposes parts will be around for many years, and in any case, at least one Chinese semiconductor company is a second source). You can still find small quantities of the 5-LED bar graph drivers made by Telefunken, albeit at a fairly high price.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Adjust R13 to get the top LED D1 turning on where you want it to - with 5 LEDs the switching points would be 1/6,1/3,1/2,2/3,5/6. The op-amps come 4 to a package with 14 pins so it would be simpler to reduce it to 4 LEDs (maybe plus one that is on all the time) then it would switch at 20/40/60/80%. To do that just dump the top op amp, D1,R1 and replace R8 with a short.