From the comments:
Max resistance would need to be about 500 Ω. The component would be in serial with something like a 68 Ω (3 W) resistor, with 12 V across the pair. So (at zero resistance) max current would be about 200 mA, and at 500 Ω resistance current would be about 20 mA.
A thing to realise with potentiometers or rheostats is that the power rating for the whole device is dissipated across the whole track. Take a 1 W, 1000 Ω potentiometer: from \$ P = I^2R \$ we can calculate that the maximum current the track can handle is \$ I = \sqrt\frac P R = \sqrt\frac 1 {1000} = 1 \ \text{mA} \$. Even if you're only using one tenth of the resistance track the maximum current is 1 mA as it's the power dissipation per unit length that will overheat any portion of the resistance track.
In your case you are looking for 200 mA when the wiper is close to either end but it's 1000 Ω end-to-end (ignoring the gap for now). That means the pot would need to be rated for \$ P = I^2R = 0.2^2 \times 1000 = 0.04 \times 1000 = 40 \ \text W \$. That's big and that's hot.
I suggest you edit your post (making it clear where the edit starts so that existing answers don't look stupid) and describe the real problem you are trying to solve.