
I'm trying to hack an optical mouse sensor: PAW3204DB. Here is the datasheet. It has a voltage regulator, and I have no idea how to wire this to my arduino. I looked at a different hack for an optical mouse sensor, but the wiring does not include a voltage regulator.

Does VDDA, pin 8 on the PAW3204WB, have to be wired to power? Which would mean:

  • Pin 6 to Arduino GND
  • Pin 7 to Arduino +5V
  • Pin 8 to Arduino +5V
  • 2 Serial pins to 2 other Arduino pins

1 Answer 1


If you supply the 1V8 yourself, you can connect it to both VDDA and VDD. If you supply 2V5-2V9 (not 5V), you can connect it to VDD and leave VDDA unconnected (or use it as a 1V8 source).


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab


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