I want to make a vest that has LED all over it (for the purpose of night time cycling) but i want to be able to easily wash it.
4 Answers
You could get some industrial velcro and sew it both onto the lilypad and the clothing. Some of the Thinkgeek screenshirts work this way: they have the loop-part on the shirt and the hook part on the hardware.
I have a Lilly Pad, along with several Arduino boards. I've been wanting to do some sewable/wearable projects but just didn't want to ruin the Lilly Pad on a mistake. So after reading Pulsea's instructable: http://www.instructables.com/id/Sewable_Arduino_Interface/ I decided to make a "fabric shield" for a regular Arduino. It's currently a work in progress, but here are some pics:
Take a look at http://speedvest.com/
it about a vest with EL wire from coolight.com showing speed of bycicle
good luck