I think I have used enough of the AVR series by atmel to say that I understand how to use it. I know somethings about how it actually works, but I would like to know more. Are there any good resources which describe the architecture of Atmega or RISC architecture in general? I know the datasheet has all this (and I really looooovvee the datasheet, its kinda my bible) but I need something little more simple than that. Any help?
3 Answers
Learn AVR assembly, it's the best practical way to learn about the architecture.
Check out the white papers in the Other Docs section of Atmel's website: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/other_docs.asp?family_id=607#White_Paper .
A long time ago I read the one called The AVR Microcontroller and C Compiler Co-Design which explains why they think the AVR instruction set is well-suited for the C language. Some of the other documents there explain the AVR architecture or a series of chips in general.
\$\begingroup\$ I know about the site, but I am looking for a much more concise way to learn. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 18, 2011 at 17:14