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Can a PWM solar charger use a battery as the source?

For background, I am slowly migrating from 12v to 24v, but want to use my existing 12v inverters if possible, by having a 12v battery kept topped-up by the 24v batteries. I have a decent MPPT ...
Justin Maxwell's user avatar
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What is the maximum voltage for MPPT/PWM to charge a X volt battery?

I currently have a PWM 12/24v (auto commute) with ~18V as input and a 12V battery in the output. I wanted to switch to 24V battery and I thought about going ~36v solar panel. (18V * 2) Then I saw ...
bob dylan's user avatar
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Should I use constant current or constant voltage drivers for driving my PWM 24V DC Fans?

Hi everyone thanks for stopping by to lend your thoughts. I need to run 2 circuits separately and control via Arduino uno PWM. One circuit is 2x Noctua NF-A14 industrialPPC-24V-3000 Q100 IP67 with ...
Sensei Millan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

PWM Dimming 24v with 3.3v input

I am trying to dim a 24v led-strip with a 3.3v PWM-signal coming out of a ESP32. Currently I have this circuit: But there is one problem. It works for dimming till ~40%. But when I turn the PWM off, ...
Gino's user avatar
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-1 votes
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0-5V PWM to analog 0-24VDC voltage with MOSFET

Im having trouble understanding how or if it even is possible to regulate a voltage with a MOSFET. I want to regulate an output voltage of 0-24VDC 0.5A(continuosly) with the duty cycle of a 0-5V 1kHz ...
Andy90's user avatar
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