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Are those two AC bridges equal. If not, how do they behave differently?

I do not understand if the following circuits are equal or if there's any difference in how they behave. I assumed that it depends on the current, but then I have seen both used with AC and DC, so ...
Julian Crentz's user avatar
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Obtaining Anderson's Bridge Balance Equation

I'm trying to learn Anderson's Bridge Balance equation.I dont know how this value is obtained Why are they equating the voltage drops across branch one and the sum of the voltage drop across branch ...
elecman's user avatar
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Must this switch be turned on and off periodically?

Imagine that the AC1-2 is 170VAC at 150kHz~. I simply want to turn the MOSFETs on, and let the AC flow through a inductive-capacitive load. 1) If I can turn the MOSFETs on to saturation by applying ...
ARMATAV's user avatar
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1n4007 Bridge Rectifier at 220 Volts AC?

So, I just started getting into electronics, and I have built a bridge rectifier using the 1N4007 diodes. So far I have been using this rectifier with a 24 volts step down transformer, but now I need ...
Dakshin's user avatar
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Middle-Tapped Transformer Full-Wave Rectifier Vs. Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier

In terms of output voltage, which one of these would be best? Coming into this, I would have to say the center-tapped transformer full-wave rectifier would allow the most accurate output voltage (...
dbarcklow's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Why don't more devices incorporate full-wave rectifiers as reverse polarity protection?

Recently, I was introduced to the idea of using a full-wave rectifier, in order to protect against reverse polarity damage in DC devices. I hadn't even considered using a rectifier in an already DC ...
Jay Greco's user avatar
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Building a small D cell battery charger?

I am looking to buy/build my own D cell Nimh battery charger with the following requirements: -dual prong AC wall input -charges Nimh D Cell -is safe -contained within 1" x 1.7" x 2.2" enclosure As ...
user20105's user avatar