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2 votes
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PCB electroplating then etching

How can I protect the through holes copper which is electroplated from being etched away by the ferric chloride? Is there a resistive solution or it`s just the conductive ink.
Ahmed Emad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Proper storage of ferric cloride PCB etchant

I etch about half a dozen printed circuit boards each year at home, using an aqueous ferric chloride AKA iron(III) chloride etchant solution. As I want to minimize the costs and hassle of buying new ...
jms's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why did my homemade PCB turn out like this?

I did a first experiment with the UV-lamp + Transparency + Presensitized-Board method. Using a randomly drawn pattern, this was my (promising but unsatisfactory) result: What could typically be the ...
boardbite's user avatar
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