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Reading data with ADXL345 only when new data arrives

I am using ADXL345 with Uno and ESP32. I am using ADXL345 with 50 Hz like this : ...
1 vote
1 answer

Interrupt circuit

I'm using an 'Arduino like' board with a PIR sensor that gives 3.3V when movement is detected. The board usually stays in sleep mode, and wakes up when a LOW value is given to a specific pin. What'...
2 votes
2 answers

Ultrasonic sensor(ping) and deep sleep Arduino

Is it possible to use an ultrasonic sensor to wake up an Arduino which is in deep sleep when an object is detected within a few cm and then do stuff?
1 vote
1 answer

ADXL345 Arduino UNO Activity Inactivity interrupt

I have DATA_READY, Activity and Inactivity interrupts mapped from INT1 to INT0 on the arduino. DATA_READY works fine, the problem is Activity and Inactivity are always set to 0 in the INT_SOURCE ...