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Linear accelerometer on a rotating platform

I want to measure the linear speed of a vehicle putting the accelerometer on its wheel. Assume the vehicle is moving at a velocity 70 KMPH and its wheel has a radius (R = Radius) 30 CM. I made this analogy, If the accelerometer will be placed on the wheel at position R/2 whose Z axis is now orthogonal to the wheel and let us assume there is no tilt in X and Y axis.

Image Axis of Sensor

The Accelerometer reading in X and Y should give the net accelerometer which is a_translational + a_rotational + TIGA = (R/2)alpha + (R/2) omega ^2 + TIGA where aplha is the angular accelartion and omega is the angular velocity and TIGA is the Tilt induced gravitational accelarion.

If my above observation is correct, how can i calculate TIGA factor? Will it change with the rotation degrees? How to balance it?

For calculating the speed (to correlate with 70 KMPH) i should integrate the accelration value in that period. In this case? Which accelration value from the accelrometer data should be considered? Should the a_rotational and TIGA factor must be removed from the data before integration?