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The STM32 is the third ARM family by STMicroelectronics. It follows their earlier STR9 family based on the ARM9E core, and STR7 family based on the ARM7TDMI core. The STM32 is based on the ARM Cortex-M family of cores.

4 votes

STM32 Execution Time

In addition to other answers, you can use an oscilloscope if you have one. At the beginning of your task, set an unused pin (or an LED, etc) high. Then set it low directly after the task completes. …
bitsmack's user avatar
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1 vote

STM32L031 not running after stopping debugging

One thing that can stop it from running is if you are using semi-hosting. In your project properties, try to remove the following two symbols: I have multiple projects, and only some of them requi …
bitsmack's user avatar
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1 vote

How to interpret the values sent by an MPU-9255?

The MPU-9255 is giving you a 16-bit, signed integer. Your code is interpreting it as unsigned. An unsigned, 16-bit number can represent values from 0 to 65535. A signed 16-bit number represents -3276 …
bitsmack's user avatar
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4 votes

Understanding the the setup of a Timer on an STM32F10x

I wrote up a longer answer, before I realized the simple solution. I'm including the full answer in case it's helpful. The quick answer: The values passed into the TIM_TimeBaseInit() function are …
bitsmack's user avatar
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3 votes

USB on STM32F107RCT and Stm32CubeMX

Even though the device is self-powered, you still need to connect the USB's Vbus (pin 1) to the microcontroller's OTG_FS_VBUS (pin PA9). This isn't to provide power, but to allow the microcontroller …
bitsmack's user avatar
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2 votes

Do CMSIS libraries also handle GPIO registers?

The STM32 microcontrollers have pretty good documentation. ST gives a few options for device header files, CMSIS headers, abstraction layers, and so on. …
bitsmack's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do I interrupt an ISR with a higher-priority ISR on an STM32F105?

I have two external interrupt sources coming into an STM32F105. I want one of them (call it "IRQHigh") to pre-empt the other ("IRQLow"). Currently, if IRQHigh is triggered during the IRQLow ISR, the p …
bitsmack's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I interrupt an ISR with a higher-priority ISR on an STM32F105?

The priorities are not being initialized correctly. The code in the question initializes the NVIC like so: // IRQHigh, enabled immediately NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = IRQHIGH_EXTI_IRQn; NVI …
bitsmack's user avatar
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6 votes

Can I use just plain GCC to compile program for Nucleo?

As other answers state, you want to use arm-none-eabi-gcc to compile your code. However, compiled code (by itself) doesn't do much good! You need to convert it to an .elf or .hex format. You need to …
bitsmack's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Full duplex SPI Master using DMA - STM32F105

Since the STM32 is the SPI master, it needs to provide three bytes worth of clock pulses to get the response. Generally, you have the master device send three dummy bytes to create this clock. …
bitsmack's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to use level-triggered interrupts with STM32F1xx?

It communicates with it's "driver", which is hosted on the STM32. The SOC and driver want edge-triggering. How can I configure the STM32F1xx to use level-triggered interrupts? …
bitsmack's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to _disable_ USB on STM32F1xx?

I have a battery-powered device using an STM32F107. The device works and I am currently working on minimizing its power consumption. One of the bigger current draws is the USB subsystem itself, using …
bitsmack's user avatar
  • 17k
59 votes

STM32 Understanding GPIO Settings

The STM32 (and other microcontrollers) have built-in circuitry to do this. That way, you don't need to add another part to your circuit. …
bitsmack's user avatar
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5 votes

Possible to power STM32 Nucleo boards with USB battery pack?

[Note: User Passerby interpreted the datasheet differently than I did, and he is correct. My answer will work, but his is the better way to do this. My answer does have some good info, though!] Th …
bitsmack's user avatar
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13 votes

Understanding STM32 datasheet regarding decoupling capacitors

They are referring to the total number of capacitors needed. ST has a useful document: "AN4325 - Getting started with STM32F030xx and STM32F070xx series hardware development" Inside, it is a bit mor …
bitsmack's user avatar
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