All of these types of single discrete LEDs has a reverse voltage breakdown threshold of -5V. Never drive more than the absolute maximum specs in the datasheet and also expect > 50kh MTBF.
LITE-ON also add a note to every Absolute Maximum Rating Table :
Reverse Voltage can't be continued operating
This also applies to forward current with a current limiting resistor.
Typically for Red, Yellow these are tested for -5V @ 1uA Max and for Blue, WHite, Green, -5V @10uA
- This does not mean they will fail at -6V but that the current exponential rises at some point above -5V and the breakdown voltage and capacitance discharge will destroy the junction.
- Even if one test worked at -9V you may conclude -9V is OK to use as there is an aging acceleration rate.
- If they are all identical capacitance and leakage then it may be reasonable to assume if you had 20 in series that you could apply -100 V reverse and the ones which leak more then reduce in voltage drop to equalize.
- By no coincidence this is also the same -5V reverse voltage rating for almost all NPN/PNP's as the heavily doped Vbe junctions in bipolar junction transistors has the same limitation, unlike the lighter doped Vbc diode which provides the high Vce voltage rating
- (Vce = Vbc reverse + Vbe forward )
I see a difference in Anode gold wirebond in these packages due to the side of the flat D edge and the position of the reflective cup holder, but sometimes the transparent substrate is inverted. (caution)