I want to remove the need for contactors in a motor application. Currently we are using a 1.5HP (1.1KW) motor and actuating it via a contactor.
I have a PCB I am designing and want to use the following relay to actuate this motor: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/american-zettler/AZ2150-1C-24DEF/12171625
Aside from all of the practicalities of tracing 220VAC on a PCB such as air gaps, I noticed that the datasheet only rates this relay for 6,000 cycles on the motor load I am looking for.
I am curious how this cycling is calculated, as the motor is only drawing a max of 6 amps or so and the relay is rated for 40. If anyone has any general insight into the use of large relays for motor loads like this that would be very helpful.