I have the PIC24F Android Accessory Development Starter Kit from Microchip. I am running Android 4.4.2 on a Samsung Galaxy S4, however I am unable to get the phone to recognize the USB device when plugged in. The Microchip Accessory Support detection app reads as follows:
From what I can tell the Accessory mode is supported in Android 3+, is there some process to enable the Accessory mode? Any advice on how I would get this working?
I have contacted support at Microchip, there does seem to be an issue installing the compiler and the Application libraries mentioned in Keelan's answer below. However on a windows machine once the MPLAB X is installed, the 16 bit compiler and the Application Libs. Simply build the Demo firmware and install it onto the device, then attach to an Android device with the Demo app and it all works well !