Please help-me in this question, first I calculate the I(s) and I get
$$ I(s) = \dfrac{ \dfrac{1}{s+1} }{ s^2+\frac{R}{L}s+\frac{1}{LC} } $$
How I proceed to find Vo(t)?
Please help-me in this question, first I calculate the I(s) and I get
$$ I(s) = \dfrac{ \dfrac{1}{s+1} }{ s^2+\frac{R}{L}s+\frac{1}{LC} } $$
How I proceed to find Vo(t)?
First, basic thing:
$$Vo(s) = I(s) \cdot X_C(s)$$
Replace Xc with its Laplace equivalent:
$$X_C = \dfrac{1}{sC}$$
Replace the formulas the first equation and you get the voltage function. You might need to massage the equation to simplify it.
Then you need to anti-transform: you can do it using the rules and tables.
Thanks, to resolve this problem I did the following steps, transform the circuit in S-domain
then, resolve inverse of \$I(s) \cdot X_C \rightarrow I(s) = \dfrac{1\over s+1}{6+s+10\over s} \$ and Xc = 10/s
\$ \mathcal{L}^-1(I(s) \cdot X_C) \$
and got the correct answer:
\$ V_O (t) = \dfrac{2}{e^t} - \dfrac{2(cos(t) + 2sin(t))}{e^{3t}} \$