I have an IR photodiode, part number PDB-C134F, as shown here. I'm trying to use it to retransmit a remote control signal that uses a carrier frequency of 38 to 40kHz. However, when I connect the diode to an oscilloscope and look at the received signal, the carrier is lost. I simply see a square wave encoding the data (with a pulse width of 0.5ms and an amplitude of about 0.4V) but no finer square wave (which should have a pulse width of around 12us). My oscilloscope is very basic (the Xminilab), but it is sampling at 2MS/s, and is rated at 200kHz, so I would think that it should be able to see the signal. It can see a 40kHz signal that it generates on its waveform generator output.
In my test, the diode pins are connected directly to the scope inputs, and there are no other elements in the circuit. I've also tested it after amplification with an opamp, and see the same thing.
Am I misunderstanding how this part works? Or misusing it or the scope?
Thanks for any advice!