I want to use a 2s Lipo for a autonomous car built with a Beaglebone and Motor Bridge Cape from Seeedstudio. The Motor Cape has an built in voltage regulator which steps down 7,2V to 5V system voltage. This allows supplying motors an Beaglebone from same source.
While charging a 2s LiPo charger is supplied with 12V. Is it possible to charge the LiPo under load? Or do I have to supply the Beaglebone from 12V source while charging?
This would mean that there has to be a switch between battery source and 12V source which selects the source automatically. That is not a complicated task, but supplying the system by battery all the time would be easier.
For example the swithing between LiPo and 12V source could be realized like this:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab