I am working on a very small scale project that needs 300-600ma bursts at 5v for 10-20 seconds (a bank of LEDs) followed by a period of low power consumption (around 10ma for around an hour or so for the timers).
The idea is to have a battery connected to a boost converter (I chose this one https://www.adafruit.com/products/2030,PowerBoost 1000 Basic - 5V USB Boost @ 1000mA from 1.8V+) to power all the components.
I have looked into different battery sizes and have so far disregarded: -coin type batteries due to high current requirement.
1- Am I correct in assuming that even 5 coin cell batteries (in parallel) would not be able to provide 600mA of current for any reasonable amount of time without overheating?
This website claims that an AA CAN provide 1 amp, but not for very long. http://rightbattery.com/118-1-5v-aa-duracell-alkaline-battery-tests/
If their calculations are right, i should be able to draw 1 amp from an AA battery with an estimated capacity of 509mah. If only I could use one AA it would be perfect for my project, but at 300ma one AA would just about power on the components but would probably not be able to provide enough current for the converter to output 5V and 600ma.
In which case, is it feasible to power something like this using 2 or 3AA or aaa batteries? or do i need to count my losses and get a small 500mah lithium ion battery instead?
Would be great if someone could comment on just how sturdy alkaline batteries are to power something like this.