Part 1: the circuit and how it's connected
I'm trying to take from the 2.5V coming from a voltage reference IC AD780 to go through a unity gain buffer then go through a 2x Gain opamp stage to finally output 5V with a worst case scenario of current sinking 25 mA . Bear in mind that this application is part of a system that will be placed behind the back seat in a car so i believe ambient temperature may be around ( 40 - 50 °C ) .
Part 2: my conclusions so far
Here's what i finally came up with after searching and filtering through a lot of rail to rail o/p op amps :
Part 3: my questions
- Which one is most suitable for the application. If none please suggest and state why (so others may benefit).
- I figured I'm just using a DC signal (I believe) and not AC one so I'm a bit confused to which parameters do I need to worry about in the datasheet.
Part 4: schematic ( Simulation using Proteus Isis ) I did a simulation for the LMC6482 and it worked fine with 25 mA load but after all this is a simulation and other real factors (temperature, other parameters that I am unaware of ... ) .