I'm in the process of building a device for measuring various things, for instance humidity, temperature, soil moisture, etc.
Until now I've been using GX16 connectors to connect the sensors to the PCB. The GX16 connectors are a bit overkill for the purpose (3.3v , max 1A), they require a bit more soldering than I like and are a bit expensive.
I was wondering if there are any other 3pin / 4pin connectors that would be suitable for this purpose. I was thinking about using RJ10 connectors, since they are widely available, can be soldered directly onto the pcb and are relatively cheap. Now I know that these connectors are originally intended for telecommunication / phones, so it feels a bit "wrong" to use them for a different purpose.
Are there any other 4pin/3pin connectors available on the market that would be suitable for this purpose?
Currently I will just be using the device as a hobby project in my own house, but if I ever would want to bring the product to the market, would the misuse of the RJ10 connector be a issue?