I have 2 Arduino microcontrollers, each with a network of I2C devices connected to them (one has 2 ADCs and the other an LCD display and a RTC). How can I use the I2C connection to transfer the values obtained by the first uC from the ADCs to the second ? Both uC are masters on their I2C busses. I was thinking of making a software I2C on the second uC and connect it as a slave to the first one (so the second controller would have 2 I2C ports: one hardware and one software). Problem is, I can't find any software I2C library that works as a slave. All are masters.
Waiting for your ideas.
Question is, can I make 2 I2c networks using one Arduino Mega2560 ? One as master on the hardware port to communicate with the LCD and the RTC and one as a slave on a software port on 2 other pair of pins (for SCL and SDA) for receiving data from another master arduino...
After analyzing all the data, I reach the conclusion that the 2 I2C busses cannot be linked together. On the external I2C port I have available on the data acquisition uC, I will connect another arduino as slave that will receive the information an pass it on by using a wireless adapter (probably a NRF24N01). That way, I don't need to have wires from my solar controller to the arduino that reports the production to pvoutput website.