I am having troubles with some push buttons, such that some of them work, some of them sometimes works, and some of them just do not work.
In an attempt to find the cause of the issue, I took one of the faulty buttons apart to see if anything had broken internally. I found nothing to be broken, but was surprised at the mechanism used to make the contact when pressed and it did not strike me as the best way to make to contact so wondered what other mechanisms were about. Alas, my searching on the interweb has not prevailed with an answer, probably because of my incorrect terminology.
The type I currently have, looks like this button and mechanism:
So, as the button is depressed, it bends the 'dome' of metal to make contact between the two pins. So, to me, this doesn't seem the most reliable method, what are the other options for the internal mechanism of a push to make button?