I'm trying to figure out how this universal micro-plc works: https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/design/reference-design-center/system-board/6185.html
It is supposed to read current, voltage, thermocouple's and RTDs.
And the connection guide:
I'm planning on removing the circiutry that reads voltage and current and retain the thermocouple and RTD circuits. This can be easily achieved by removing the two MAX14763 analogue switches and directly connecting input pins 2 and 3 to the amplifiers. Current limiter section and current sensing resistor need to be removed too.
Apparently the circuit is using some form of the constant voltage procedure for RTD reading, However I have no idea what to do with the two MAX14579 analogue switches because I don't understand how they are used for reading the RTD sensor and why 4 RTD reference resistors have been used. I have never seen a circuit that uses this methodology. If someone knows what is going on here or can point me to a website that explains this procedure I would be grateful.