I have made a Jacob's Ladder display for fun. I have no oscilloscope to give exact details, but there must be some kind of noise or high-voltage ripple that is resetting the display of my Lab Power Supply (based on DPS5015 buck module).
I have attached a pic of the circuit. Is there some kind of diode/cap/inductor I could use at the input to stop the spikes/noise from resetting my PSU display?
The circuit is meant to run off a car battery, but that is not ideal for me. I imagine a battery won't care one bit about this noise.
(I understand this is likely a fault of the PSU for not handling the noise/spikes properly. I plan on using a 12V laptop brick I've salvaged when I make a proper enclosure. But if it's as simple as adding some components, I may as well, to eliminate any possible issues with the laptop brick (a Lite-On SMPS).)
On a side note, the circuit says "12V input, 5A minimum" but I've measured under many different scenarios for spark gap etc, and it seems to remain constant at about 1.3A. Due to this, I imagine the 2.7A laptop brick I play to use will be adequate. I'll install proper protection (on top of the laptop brick's own).