Yes, I'm a noob. I am trying, please be nice.
I am trying to test the parts on an LED driver that's gone bad. Mainly because I actually NEED the thing to work, but also so I can learn how to do this sort of thing.
Mains in to a fuse (which is fine), then to this film capacitor. Multimeter on CAP setting gives me 125.5 nanofarads. (Why the meter doesn't auto-adjust to uF is yet another mystery, but that's another question.)
I can use the label info from the SIDE to find this document:
Below the legible printed info on the side there are only the 'reversed LR' symbols and the 'EN over EC' symbol.
On page 3 you'll find the match for the series, but showing 6 uF variations. None of the six values make sense to me as a match for what I measured with the multimeter.
I know that I am meant to use the info from the TOP label to figure out the proper farad value, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do that.
Some of it's obvious - 305V A/C. But the rest of the info doesn't seem to match the info in that doc? I am really confused by this.
If you can just tell me the value, great. That's enough to let me know if it's the .10 uF version and my .1255 uF actual measure is close - or if my actual measure is way off what it is supposed to be.
But if you can also explain how I'm meant to translate the label that'd be way better.
Phrased as proper questions:
What capacitance is the pictured capacitor?
How does one use the text on the label to determine the capacitance?