I have a really janky setup where I'm using an ESP and some transistors to "push" the buttons on an RF remote control, used for controlling electrical outlets. The circuit works perfectly during normal operation, it's very simple, but when the power gets reset the remote control might send out random button presses, which I think is caused by the ESP itself and the way it starts up. What I'm wondering if there's anything I can add to delay the remote control board getting power, or something to buffer the signals from the ESP so short pulses get ignored while longer ones go through fine? I'm not familiar enough with that kind of circuit yet to know where to start. Here's a schematic of my circuit right now.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
That's the basic workings. There's a 3.3v regulator to drop the 5v input and the remote control is powered from the same 3.3v as the ESP, but that wasn't necessary for the schematic. The nodes that go to the remote control pins are soldered onto the button pad on the circuit board.