I would like to create navigation light sequences on old admiralty map of my local area. There are lighthouses and channel markers in area with mix of flashing and times. The single flashes I can use a bought LED flashing kit but its the pulse flashes every x seconds that I'm stuck on e.g. LED flashing twice every 10 seconds. Not every 5 s but at 1 Hz and every 10 seconds so LED flash first sec, flash second sec then off for 8 seconds before repeating. From what I've seen on the map there 2 flashes or 5 flashes in times given. So that looks like Fl(2) R 6s, "Flash twice Red every 6 seconds".
I've looked through forums and can't find a direct answer to above, if you've come across anything like this could you help. I'm ok on hardware side of things but programming wouldn't be my strongest suit. Thinking about it I could only come up with two options:
- A mircocontroller able to pulse the LED's at 1hzish and able to control power on/off for the associated times.
- A asymmetrical timer that would control power to a LED Flashing kit so the power on would be shorter then power off and this would repeat periodically.
Any help would be appreciated.