
I have setup a simple UART test on my SAML21 and believe I must be misusing the library due to the behavior I'm seeing

uint8_t testData[8] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06}

void broadcast_test_data(void)
    usart_write_buffer_wait(&usart_instance, testData, sizeof(testData))

void serial_data_handler(void)
    unit16_t rxInt;
    if (usart_read_wait(&usart_instance, &rxInt) == STATUS_OK) {
        printf("RX %d", rxInt);

int main(void)
    struct usart_config config_usart;

    config_usart.baudrate = 1000;
    config_usart.mux_setting = USART_RX_3_TX_2_XCK_3;
    config_usart.pinmux_pad0 = PINMUX_UNUSED;
    config_usart.pinmux_pad1 = PINMUX_UNUSED;
    config_usart.pinmux_pad2 = PINMUX_PA24C_SERCOM3_PAD2;
    config_usart.pinmux_pad3 = PINMUX_PA24C_SERCOM3_PAD3;


    while (1) {
        // run-loop

I verified that the TX data is transmitting the entire testData array via Putty.

The issue is that when I tie the RX and TX together to test receiving, I am only ever getting bytes (0x01, 0x02, and 0x06). Is polling for RX data via the while loop not the way I should be doing this? Do I need to somehow mark data as read before UART moves onto the next received byte? Should I be asking for more than 1 byte at a time?

Thanks for any info you can provide

  • \$\begingroup\$ When you call usart_read_wait, right now if it returns an error you're just ignoring it. I would suggest changing your code to print out at least what error code you've gotten, if you don't get STATUS_OK. That might be informative. I'm not sure what could cause a problem like this but more data's always helpful. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 0:09
  • \$\begingroup\$ How is printf implemented in your system? Does your UART library or hardware have a receive buffer for more than 1 byte? \$\endgroup\$
    – brhans
    Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 0:49
  • \$\begingroup\$ asf.atmel.com/docs/latest/samd21/html/… \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 1:17

2 Answers 2


The issue here is that both usart_write_buffer_wait() and usart_read_wait() are blocking. The USART hardware seems to have a 2 byte FIFO buffer on RX.

Now what happens is the RX FIFO is filled during writing, and usart_write_buffer_wait returns during the transmission of the last character.

As soon as usart_read_wait is called - which can only happen after usart_write_buffer_wait due to it being a blocking function, it reads the first 2 bytes from the fifo. The following bytes are missing due to fifo overflow - check hardware status registers, they should tell you that. The last byte is received and read once the usart finished the transmission's stop bit.

Workaround: Use interrupts or DMA for RX, TX or both.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you, I added interrupts and it works great when I tie RX and TX together. But when I connect to the transmitting device I never get an RX interrupt, is this something that the other device has to support? Should I switch to DMA in this case? \$\endgroup\$
    – davis
    Commented Aug 27, 2019 at 3:58
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Your baudrate is quite unusual. Perhaps it's a mismatch with the other side. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Nov 15, 2019 at 21:17

You are connecting RX and TX to the same pin PA24C

config_usart.pinmux_pad2 = PINMUX_PA24C_SERCOM3_PAD2;
config_usart.pinmux_pad3 = PINMUX_PA24C_SERCOM3_PAD3;

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