The Arduino Nano 3.2 schematic (here) shows:
- J2-15, D13: PB5 (which is SCK)
- J1-15, D12: PB4 (which is MISO)
- J1-14, D11: PB3 (which is MOSI)
The Arduino Pro Mini schematic (here) shows:
- JP6-9, D13: PB5 (which is SCK)
- JP6-10, D12: PB4 (which is MISO)
- JP6-11, D11: PB3 (which is MOSI)
I would consider the schematics to be authoritative since the boards were laid out with them. The graphic, on the other hand, is someone's pretty doc that may or may not reflect the actual design.
Knowing how the ATMega328 pinout flows, the ones that go PB5/3/4 seem... odd. Like a mistake. And that sequence doesn't follow the 'D' numbering as marked on the board.
I suggest you get the schematic from, check it against the rev of board that you have. They seem to have swapped those pins somewhere. tsk, tsk... naughty of them.