On my protoboard have a BJT CDIL transistor TIP 112 N2, working in the way that on base I have a Vbb = 5V and Rb = 450 Ohms. On Collector, Vcc 24V and Ic = 0.13A. A gearmotor is working properly on that way, (covered by a diode and a capacitor).
So I tried to measure voltages on BJT just for verifying everything is ok, and then simply do some other calculations. If I assume Vbe is approx 0.7 V, then I should expect Ib have an approx value of (5-0.7)V/450 Ohms = 9.5 mA... However when using the multimeter, a current of 7.8 mA is measured.
The fact is when I measure voltage between base and emitter I notice that Vbe = 1450 mV (!!!)... I was expecting a value near 700 mV as I had learnt, but there's no way to let it down (tried replacing the gearmotor for a cooler, increasing Rb, etc). That value of Vbe reamains pretty constant. Is it ok?? Why is Vbe >> 0.7V?
PD: other measures Vce = 0.71 V and Vcb = -0.75.
Thanks a lot (not an electronic here, please be patient :)