Its my first time posting.
I need to trigger a digital input pin on an industrial KUKA robot with an arduino. The pin reads +24 V as high. I'm using the circuit below. It consists of an IRL520 N-channel MOSFET and a 1K resistor. I'm using an Arduino Mega 2560 R3, however I'm aware the arduino digital pins output max 40 mA and +5 V. So my idea was to use the +24 V power supply (located in the electrical cabinet of the KUKA robot controller) and connect that to the drain of the MOSFET, then use my arduino's 0-5 V digital signal (from pin D11) to "switch" the MOSFET on/off and, subsequently, "switch" the digital input on/off on the robots IO module. So technically, I'm using the robots own power to trigger its own input. My questions are: 1. Is this a viable way to do it? 2. Is the resistor necessary to draw the current towards the pin? 3. Besides a relay is there any other way to do it with a MOSFET, specifically? Thanks