I have a signal provided by an Attiny (in this case I am using an Arduino to simulate the signal). It's digital out, so HIGH and LOW. I pass this through a NOR Gate to invert the signal.
When I simulate this circuit, the Drain of the MOSFET is always +18v. It completely ignores the signal at the Gate. I expected the Drain to switch between +18v and 0v, but it remains at +18v. Now, if I disconnect the gate (delete the conection and leave it without connecting), the MOSFET will remain switched off.
How come my digital signal at the Gate is not switching the MOSFET on and OFF? I've looked at many sample circuits and I can't seem to see where I'm going wrong with it. The signal from the NOR gate outputs at +5v so it should be enough.
NOTE: The reason I am using this configuration with a P-Channel MOSFET is that I will be filtering the output square wave to sine, so the Load needs to be after the MOSFET.