I'd like to calculate how much my project circuit is drawing for estimating the duration of my battery. My circuit consists of a near-real time sensor which is measuring and sensing some data over WiFi. My project is alternating 1 minute of deep sleep with 3 seconds of active time during working hours (~8 hours a day), and for the rest of the day could be deep sleeping, or just off.
Let's take the case where it is operating ~8h a day, then it is off:
- 1 minute deep sleep - current consumption: 1,18 mA
- 3 seconds active - current consumption: 55,0 mA
- 1100 mAh battery
So I've estimated the duration of my battery like this
- passive consumption in 1h = (60 minutes / 1 minute) * ((1 minute*60 seconds)/3600 seconds) * 1,18 mA
- active consumption in 1h = 60 * (3 seconds/3600 seconds) * 55,0 mA
- battery duration (h) = 1100 mAh / (passive + active consumption)
Is my calculation right?
If I would also consider the case of a continuous operating case, so adding those 14h of pure deep sleep, how could I do that? Would I just need to add to the passive consumption already calculated the passive consumption in 14 hours?