You wouldn't think so, since 433MHz is only designated as ISM in Region 1, but there are some regulations that appear to allow a manually operated transmitter that stops transmission within 5 seconds of release of the button (or automatic transmit with bursts of < 5 seconds).
(machine translation)
(4.1.1) Operators operating at 314-316MHZ and 433-435MHZ: For manual
launching equipment, a switch is required. After pressing and
releasing this switch, it should automatically stop launching within 5
seconds. For those with automatic control devices, each launch time
should be less than 5 seconds
The preceding section header (another machine translation)
(4.1) Those used to transmit control signals, such as: alarm systems, door openers, remote switches, etc., but not for continuous transmission, such as radio remote control toys Or send audio, video and data, etc. Do not use periodic transmission at regular predetermined intervals. However, for the polling or supervision signal of security or safety business, each transmitter is allowed to transmit at most two times per hour and each transmission shall not exceed 1 second.
Edit: This appears to be the same document in English, as found by Leonardo.