This is my first question.
I have a rs485 anemometer and a rs485 windvane purcased in Amazon from Cryfokt and Adsire-R vendors. I spent time trying to make them work so return time has expired. They are not giving me any support. (Perhaps two names for same vendor?)
Both items are supposed to be rs485 9600baud. They have four wires, taged: positive, negative, 485-A and 485-B
When connected to Arduino trough a rs485 converter both of them have an strange behaviour. Instead of wait and read the modbus frame (following instruction manual), both items start writing at high speed only to bus line A, and just at the first bit of the frame. Please find in the image the 'sum' of the modbus read frame an one of the the items answer.
The signal expanded:
It appears to be some short of serial protocol, but not rs485 Perhaps somebody have dealed with this devices and can help me to discover the protocol or tell me if I am doing anything wrong. If I can connect them to the Arduino I don't care whether they are rs485 or not.