I have a circuit I designed (hobby project) that for the moment is just an audio player based around the Atmel SAM3x8e that reads from an SD card, feeds data to a VS1053b IC, which then supplies sound to a TDA7265B amplifier.
My problem is that the music suddenly stops playing. I believe the issue is probably with the ATSAM3x8EA as the VS1053B uses an interrupt pin on the ATSAM3x8EA which is HIGH after the music stops. The music will start playing all over again, however, if I hit the reset button connected to the ATSAM3x8EA in the same fashion as the Arduino Due schematic.
I know this issue isn't due to thermal protection of the voltage regulators LD1117V33-LD33V (3.3 V), ADP150AUJZ-1.8-R7 (1.8 V), or TDA7262B as they all have a heatsink with an aircooler on them and are relatively cool to the touch.
I use a 12 V, 3 A power supply which directly connects to the TDA7265B as shown in the schematic. The current usage of the entire circuit is at most 400 mA.
The oscilloscope shows that the voltage fluctuates rapidly on the 12V line while music plays and if I set the trigger low enough I will notice that it only triggers when the music suddenly stops (same on 3.3 V and 1.8 V lines of the voltage regulators).
I originally though that bypass capacitors would solve such a problem, but while the oscilloscope shows them having some effect, they don't solve the issue. I have tried a bunch of 100 nF, 1 μF, 1000 μF, and 4700 μF around the circuit, especially at the output/input of the voltage regulators and the main power supply.
What could the cause be? Would it have an effect if I increase the voltage and add a voltage regulator for the TDA7265B to get it down to 12 V?