I'm thinking about driving EL wire as if it were a ws2811 LED for convenience of integration with actual ws2811 LED strips. The idea is that the WS2811 Red channel acts as the enable/control input for a EL wire driver IC. I'd like to drive ~1M of common EL wire.
I've followed the example schematics in the ws2811 and HV850 datasheets, with the only modification being lowering the resistance from 1500 ohms to 500 ohms to triple the frequency, which I've heard will let me drive more wire more smoothly at the cost of brightness/lifetime.
Does this circuit look correct? Will it work? Are there any gotchas I am missing?
https://learnitstepbystep.blogspot.com/2020/10/creating-pixel-led-using-ws2811-ic.html https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/microchip-technology/HV850MG-G/4902788