The general formula for finding what resistor you need for an LED is:
$$ R_{LED}=\frac{V_{source}-V_{LED}}{I_{desired}} $$
But in your case, we dont know the LED voltage because we dont have the datasheet, but also because we dont know if there is an internal resistor. If you ever are faced with an LED that you dont know if you can light up, these assumptions should be safe: the LED is red (V_LED = 1.8V) and can pass 10 mA of current (I_desired = 0.01). Your V_source is 12V, so even if it doesnt have protection, you can safely use a 1k resistor with it. Connect it through a 1k resistor to 12V, and either use it that way if you dont mind adding the resistor and it's bright enough, or read on if you want to know if you can remove the resistor and make it brighter.
Lets take the different possibilites, which allows you to know what the LED needs:
- Case 1: LED is red, and is drawing around 10 mA: No internal resistor
- Case 2: LED is white or blue, and is drawing around 8.8 mA: No internal resistor
- Case 3: LED is green, and is drawing around 8.8-10 mA: No internal resistor
- Case 4: LED is dimly lit even indoors, less than 5 mA: Either there is a resistor or multiple LEDs in series. Reduce resistance until you get to 10 mA. That would almost for sure be safe. You can probably reduce resistance until you either get to 20 mA or remove the resistor.
- Case 5: LED draws more than 10 mA: there are multiple LEDs in parallel. I dont see how you would decide whether it needs an external resistor or not, or if it will work long term even, unless you can count the number of LEDs and try to guesstimate.
Note: the LED configuration could be weird, there is no way to know for sure, and I certainly wouldnt do any of this for something I want to sell or install for a long while. Buy from a switch manufacturer that tells you the data you need.