I have created a simple, first-order model of a switching regulator in steady state (it's basically a transformer with a loss element). Its only parameters are desired output voltage \$V_o\$ and efficiency \$\eta\$:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
$$ I=-\frac{V_o}{V(\rm{in})} \cdot I(\rm{Vsns}) \\ V = V_o \\ R_{\rm loss} = V(\rm{in})^2 \frac{1}{I(\rm{Vsns})} \frac{1}{V_o} \frac{\eta}{1-\eta} $$
This works well for both Buck and Boost. However, this is in steady state, or assuming an infinite loop bandwidth with infinite loop gain.
What is the simplest way to add the behavior of a feedback loop to this model, parameterized by loop bandwidth (unity cross over frequency of \$T(s)\$; \$T(s)\$ can be assumed single pole rolloff to first order)?