I obtained the circuit copied below from: Instructables - Simple 4V Lead Acid Battery Charger
I changed the Zener from 4.2 V to 4.7 V.
The 7806 supplies 6 V to the circuit shown in the figure at J1-6V (TBLOCK-M2.)
A 4 V 1 Ah battery is connected at J2 (TBLOCK-M2.)
The red LED should glow when the battery is charging and the green LED should glow when the battery is full. In my circuit, the green LED is always glowing.
Across the 4.7 V 1 W Zener diode the voltage stays around 3.8 V only. The lead acid battery voltage before placing it for charging has 4.5 V and as per the opamp comparator working principle. The green LED is always glowing.
Why does the 4.7 V Zener have 3.8 V across it? I tried several resistors to increase the current through the Zener so that it will reach 4.7 V. Even though the current through the Zener is increasing the voltage across the Zener reaches a maximum of 4 V.
My questions are:
What is the maximum full voltage of 4 V, 1 Ah lead acid battery. Is the full voltage of battery is 4.8 V?
With 6 V given to one side of R4 resistor, why doesn't the Zener diode reach breakdown voltage? The datasheet says the maximum Zener current is 0.193 A, so I tried to push more than 10% of maximum Zener current using a 39 Ω resistor. The Zener voltage stayed at 4.1 V.
1) With 6 V power source to R4 and D4 (4.7 V 1 W Zener). How to achieve 4.7 V breakdown voltage? Can you point me to any website which shows practical answers for reaching the 4.7 V breakdown? I need resistor value and resistor wattage calculation also.
2) What is the full battery voltage of 4 V 1 Ah sealed lead acid battery?
with 6v given to one side of R4 resistor .why the zener diode doesnt reach breakdown voltage.
are you sure your 6V source is 6V? If it's dropping for some reason you can't see higher than this across the zener. \$\endgroup\$