I have a coil with solid core, there is an small magnet that pass over it (like on the image) but not touching the coil (there is an small plastic between them, no more than 0.5mm thick). I need to detect when the magnet pass over the coil, i've investigated the hall effect devices but i'm not sure if they will work here as the magnet pass over the coil and not over the sensor.
I've connected an oscilloscope to the coil and watched while the magnet pass but i didn't recognize anything over all the noise (I connected the probe to one side of the coil and ground to the other side).
Any help or ideas will be highly appreciated.
Edit: The coil is not made from 4 turns, it has way more than that (around 50) but i was too lazy to draw 50 turns on the image. Also on the best escenario the coil should remain there, but i'm open to other devices like the reed switch (that i'm going to try soon).