I am in the process of learning on how to program ATTiny13-20pu, and am reading this post: http://www.vk2zay.net/article/211 (archived: http://www.webcitation.org/6Imwjmidx ), which explains how to do serial communication with attiny.
"The fourth ADC multiplexer channel in the tiny13 requires the reset line to be dedicated as an IO pin. Setting this fuse breaks simple serial programming, so I chose to use only three of the available four channels. You can alter the code if you don't mind HV programming,"
To program ATTiny I am using AVRISP mkII, which I connect using 6-pin Vcc,GND,SCK,MISO,MOSI connector. External DC is 5V (GND and Vcc from avrisp are connected to GND and Vcc of that DC source, otherwise avrdude does not see the target). An example of the command on Linux:
avrdude -p attiny13 -c avrispmkii -P usb -U flash:w:blink.hex
The question is, is it possible to use HV programming in this setting or do I need something else than AVRISP? What to do with external DC source, which is now 5V and is parallel to AVRISPs Vcc/GND?
As I have too little experience in programming chips, I am trying to play safe and understand the consequences of blowing that RESET-related fuse.
If possible, please tell also if I am doing the programming in a wrong way (endangering chip or AVRISP device), or call things by wrong names.