This may be on the limit of ATTiny13 possibilities, but still: is it possible to connect ATTiny13 to USB to get ADC readings (one way)?
According to this article (and my understanding of it) it seems doable, though the size of the serial communication program takes a lot of memory.
However, instead of max232 I have Micro USB to Serial Adapter from microbot ( ). (Well, I also have max3323 chip, but I would like to spare it for something else).
I am aware of this question: How can I communicate between micro-controller and PC without the use of RS232/USB Adapter?
but can't quite understand why max232 is needed in between?
UPDATE: I can't find any better datasheet on the adapter, but it uses MCP2200 chip.
UPDATE 2: as Passerby answered below, one can connect attiny directly to the microbot's adapter. For the record, these are changes I made to above mentioned project to make it work:
Line 52 of the code needed "const": const unsigned long mags[10] PROGMEM = {... to make avr-gcc happy.
Pin 6 of the attiny needs to be connected to RX of the adapter (attiny can use Vdd and Gnd for 5v power)
I have not set any fuses with avrdude (removed them in Makefile)
Baud rate in my case was 1200, and all it took to see the output of attiny was cu -l /dev/ttyACM3 -s 1200 (I guess, cu does some magic to the adapter in the beginning to set the baud rate). Baud rate has been calculated by looking at the pin 6 output with oscilloscope, which gave about 0.8 ms min pulse width. (cu is Linux/Unix serial utility, another one tried is minicom)
The datasheet for the adapter is not enough. I needed to look up MCP2200 chip's specs to make better guesses