Convert to power then halve the power (because only one half of the waveform gets thru a diode) then convert back to RMS.
You can use 1 ohm as the resistance when converting to power to make the math easier.
It's all about halving the power and not about halving the RMS value.
Consider the much simpler case of a square wave of amplitude +1v and -1v. It has an RMS value of 1V - positive half and negative half will heat a 1 ohm load resistor and dissipate 1W equally. The diode stops the negative voltage and therefore reduces the power to 0.5W.
If you convert this back to an RMS voltage remembering power = \$\dfrac{V^2}{1 ohm}\$,
Voltage = \$\sqrt{0.5}\$ = 0.7071 V\$_{RMS}\$ (and not 0.5V)