When I finished my Master Unit for Home Control, I want to attach some Wireless sensors via 433MHz Protocol. (At least 2 ones, 1 for Measuring the outdoor Temperature/Humidity with an DHT22 and Lightlevel and 1 for checking if my mailbox lid opened)
Therefor I need a 433MHz transmitter and it would be nice to be able to programm the IC in-system with another arduino or better with the Arduino USBSerial (after flashing the boot-image inside of and Arduino UNO.
The system should run (stable) on battery and send a signal every x seconds or when some external interrupts happen (like opening the lid)
What parts do I need at least? (except the microcontroller and the 433MHz transmitter) what do I need to look for in circuit design to save as much power as possible? How can I check if the battery goes low (and send an alarm signal)?