I have a bunch of LED Lamps from a yellow swedish furniture market. At that time they are connected with wireless power switches (Based on 433MHz). That is quite nice because I can control them from everywhere in my flat - but I can only SWITCH them. Want I really want to do is dim them.
I already found some Threads in the internet that say there are two types of that lamp. That one you can control and that one that already has a built in controller.
I dissambled one of mine but have no clue which one I have.
What is C1, U1 and U2? can I just attach the black and white wires to a transistor, that is fed with 4V using some LMxxx IC (or even connect 3 of them in a row an power them with 12V) and dim them using PWM that is generated by my Arduino?
This is the Head with the LED in the middle:
And this is the Power Source: